Short Putts

Short Putts

It is so important to nail those 3 and 4 footers when we are out on the golf course. These putts save shots and control emotion, give this drill a try and see if you can bury a few more.
Greenside Bunker Shots

Greenside Bunker Shots

As stated in the video, this exercise will give us feedback on how our club is interacting with the sand. With a little awareness we all can correct our shots immediately and get up and out, every time!
Club Path on TrackMan

Club Path on TrackMan

If you have access to the technology of TrackMan (we do at Deer Ridge!) This is a great place to start working on your swing. My mantra when teaching often is “Club Path is King.”
Club Path Towel Drill

Club Path Towel Drill

This drill is going to give us a feeling of “connectedness.” How this will translate to your golf swing if the path your club is taking at impact. Ideally you want that club travelling at target at impact.


This exercise is the perfect way to get into the perfect posture that we need to be successful in the golf swing. At the beginning of each year we should be very conscious of this so that we get can start on the right foot.
Club Path Towel Drill

Knock Down Shots

When the winds get up this is a great weapon to combat it. Most importantly, take some more club swing easier, deloft the club and don’t take a divot.

Due to extremely high demand, we are only taking members of Deer Ridge for private lessons at this time.

Junior Programs are still available for this summer.

Please fill out our contact form to join our waitlist.